src/Eccube/Resource/template/default/default_frame.twig line 1

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  1. <!doctype html>
  2. {#
  3. This file is part of EC-CUBE
  4. Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
  6. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  7. file that was distributed with this source code.
  8. #}
  9. <html lang="{{ eccube_config.locale }}">
  10. <head prefix="og: fb: product:">
  11.     <meta charset="utf-8">
  12.     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
  13.     <meta name="eccube-csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token(constant('Eccube\\Common\\Constant::TOKEN_NAME')) }}">
  14.     <title>{{ BaseInfo.shop_name }}{% if subtitle is defined and subtitle is not empty %} / {{ subtitle }}{% elseif title is defined and title is not empty %} / {{ title }}{% endif %}</title>
  15.     {% if Page.meta_tags is not empty %}
  16.         {{ include(template_from_string(Page.meta_tags), sandboxed = true) }}
  17.         {% if Page.description is not empty %}
  18.             <meta name="description" content="{{ Page.description }}">
  19.         {% endif %}
  20.     {% else %}
  21.         {{ include('meta.twig') }}
  22.     {% endif %}
  23.     {% if is not empty %}
  24.         <meta name="author" content="{{ }}">
  25.     {% endif %}
  26.     {% if Page.keyword is not empty %}
  27.         <meta name="keywords" content="{{ Page.keyword }}">
  28.     {% endif %}
  29.     {% if Page.meta_robots is not empty %}
  30.         <meta name="robots" content="{{ Page.meta_robots }}">
  31.     {% endif %}
  32.     <link rel="icon" href="{{ asset('assets/img/common/favicon.ico', 'user_data') }}">
  33.     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-mzrmE5qonljUremFsqc01SB46JvROS7bZs3IO2EmfFsd15uHvIt+Y8vEf7N7fWAU" crossorigin="anonymous">
  34.     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/style.css') }}">
  35.     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/custom.css') }}">
  36.     <script src="{{ asset('front.bundle.js', 'bundle') }}"></script>
  37.     {% block stylesheet %}{% endblock %}
  38.     <script>
  39.         $(function() {
  40.             $.ajaxSetup({
  41.                 'headers': {
  42.                     'ECCUBE-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="eccube-csrf-token"]').attr('content')
  43.                 }
  44.             });
  45.         });
  46.     </script>
  47.     {# Layout: HEAD #}
  48.     {% if Layout.Head %}
  49.         {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.Head}) }}
  50.     {% endif %}
  51.     {# プラグイン用styleseetやmetatagなど #}
  52.     {% if plugin_assets is defined %}{{ include('@admin/snippet.twig', { snippets: plugin_assets }) }}{% endif %}
  53.     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/customize.css', 'user_data') }}">
  54. </head>
  55. <body id="page_{{ app.request.get('_route') }}" class="{{ body_class|default('other_page') }}">
  56. {# Layout: BODY_AFTER #}
  57. {% if Layout.BodyAfter %}
  58.     {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.BodyAfter}) }}
  59. {% endif %}
  60. {% if isMaintenance %}
  61.     <div class="ec-maintenanceAlert">
  62.         <div>
  63.             <div class="ec-maintenanceAlert__icon"><img src="{{ asset('assets/icon/exclamation-white.svg') }}"/></div>
  64.             {{ 'メンテナンスモードが有効になっています。'|trans }}
  65.         </div>
  66.     </div>
  67. {% endif %}
  68. <div class="ec-layoutRole">
  69.     {# Layout: HEADER #}
  70.     {% if Layout.Header %}
  71.         <header class="ec-layoutRole__header">
  72.             {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.Header}) }}
  73.         </header>
  74.     {% endif %}
  75.     {# Layout: CONTENTS_TOP #}
  76.     {% if Layout.ContentsTop %}
  77.         <div class="ec-layoutRole__contentTop">
  78.             {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.ContentsTop}) }}
  79.         </div>
  80.     {% endif %}
  81.     <div class="ec-layoutRole__contents pt-3">
  82.         {# Layout: SIDE_LEFT #}
  83.         {% if Layout.SideLeft %}
  84.             <aside class="ec-layoutRole__left">
  85.                 {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.SideLeft}) }}
  86.             </aside>
  87.         {% endif %}
  88.         {% set layoutRoleMain = 'ec-layoutRole__main' %}
  89.         {% if Layout.ColumnNum == 2 %}
  90.             {% set layoutRoleMain = 'ec-layoutRole__mainWithColumn' %}
  91.         {% elseif Layout.ColumnNum == 3 %}
  92.             {% set layoutRoleMain = 'ec-layoutRole__mainBetweenColumn' %}
  93.         {% endif %}
  94.         <main class="{{ layoutRoleMain }}">
  95.             {# Layout: MAIN_TOP #}
  96.             {% if Layout.MainTop %}
  97.                 <div class="ec-layoutRole__mainTop">
  98.                     {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.MainTop}) }}
  99.                 </div>
  100.             {% endif %}
  101.             {# MAIN AREA #}
  102.             {% block main %}{% endblock %}
  103.             {# Layout: MAIN_Bottom #}
  104.             {% if Layout.MainBottom %}
  105.                 <div class="ec-layoutRole__mainBottom">
  106.                     {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.MainBottom}) }}
  107.                 </div>
  108.             {% endif %}
  109.         </main>
  110.         {# Layout: SIDE_RIGHT #}
  111.         {% if Layout.SideRight %}
  112.             <aside class="ec-layoutRole__right">
  113.                 {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.SideRight}) }}
  114.             </aside>
  115.         {% endif %}
  116.     </div>
  117.     {# Layout: CONTENTS_BOTTOM #}
  118.     {% if Layout.ContentsBottom %}
  119.         <div class="ec-layoutRole__contentBottom">
  120.             {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.ContentsBottom}) }}
  121.         </div>
  122.     {% endif %}
  123.     {# Layout: CONTENTS_FOOTER #}
  124.     {% if Layout.Footer %}
  125.         <footer class="ec-layoutRole__footer">
  126.             {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.Footer}) }}
  127.         </footer>
  128.     {% endif %}
  129. </div><!-- ec-layoutRole -->
  130. <div class="ec-overlayRole"></div>
  131. <div class="ec-drawerRoleClose"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
  132. <div class="ec-drawerRole">
  133.     {# Layout: DRAWER #}
  134.     {% if Layout.Drawer %}
  135.         {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.Drawer}) }}
  136.     {% endif %}
  137. </div>
  138. <div class="ec-blockTopBtn pagetop">{{'ページトップへ'|trans}}</div>
  139. {% include('@common/lang.twig') %}
  140. <script src="{{ asset('assets/js/function.js') }}"></script>
  141. <script src="{{ asset('assets/js/eccube.js') }}"></script>
  142. {% block javascript %}{% endblock %}
  143. {# Layout: CLOSE_BODY_BEFORE #}
  144. {% if Layout.CloseBodyBefore %}
  145.     {{ include('block.twig', {'Blocks': Layout.CloseBodyBefore}) }}
  146. {% endif %}
  147. {# プラグイン用Snippet #}
  148. {% if plugin_snippets is defined %}
  149.     {{ include('snippet.twig', { snippets: plugin_snippets }) }}
  150. {% endif %}
  151.     <script src="{{ asset('assets/js/customize.js', 'user_data') }}"></script>
  152. </body>
  153. </html>